Sunday, July 18, 2021

Our Dearest Pixel Iris

Arrival Day 

You were born at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Sta. Mesa, Manila weighing 6 Lbs 10 oz. Daddy chose the name Pixel since he's fond of Computer Graphics then, your second name Iris represents faith, hope, courage, wisdom and admiration. Which proved to be all true, our dearest princess Pixel Iris.

Preschool Memories

Your first school is at Montessori West School, where you aleady excelled from your nursery days, not only academically, but you always won 1st prize in Art Contests. 
I was not able to scan yet your drawings and paintings when you were a kid, but will do very soon.

You're very quiet, but you always love going to school, every single day. You never failed to finish your homeworks too. I remembered the 1st day when I accompanied you to your Nursery Class, and your Teachers Shine and Aimee informed us parents that we can sit inside for the first week to make you students feel comfortable. But you told me it's okay, that I can go home and you will already go to your classroom. I was teary eyed then, you were ready and I was not :)

Grade School Life
Grade School is quite not easy for you since you have to transfer twice since we need to change our residence from West Ave. to Roxas District, then to Pasig when Ice was born. But you proved that whatever school you belonged, you always strived to study hard, and to excel too.

From Montessori, you transferred to St. Theresa's College, where you met your close friends, you stayed there for 3 years, and in that short years, you're always on top of your class. 

When Ice was born, you need to transfer to Pasig Catholic College since it's close to our Pasig Residence. 

In the short 2 years there, you graduated with honors, and the only student awarded with Best Deportment! We were really quite surprise since we know it's not that easy to transfer and adjust to new school every time, but you did with flying colors!

We're always proud to have you as our daughter, and these achievements are just cherries on top.

Now that you're already an incoming Grade 10 Junior High, please know that we're always here to support you, we're behind you all the time, and loving unconditionally for always.



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